How To Steal Everything In Fallout New Vegas And Not Get Caught

There is a glitch in Fallout: New Vegas where you can use a bucket to steal everything. You won’t get caught and won’t lose Karma.

Here’s how to do it:

1. Take a common/garden bucket
2. Drag/grab everything you want to steal and put it in the bucket. It is important to “grab” the item and not to take it into your inventory.
3. Grab the bucket and take it to a safe place.
4. Take the bucket and then take your stash!

To grab items on PS3/Xbox 360, press and hold the right analog stick. PC versions of Fallout New Vegas, use the Z Key.

Check out the video how-to below:

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Written By on October 29th, 2010 Categories: how-to, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 Tags:

2 Responses to “How To Steal Everything In Fallout New Vegas And Not Get Caught”

  1. what’s with all these RPGS having glitch 😉 . I’ve never really been much of a fan of RPG. I wanna try one.
    Which one should i get
    Fable 3 or Fall Out New Vegas ?

  2. @xlivnt

    Lol, that’s because RPG worlds are huge 😛

    Anyway, that is a really tough question. If you’re into hack’n’slash type games, go for Fable 3 as the combat is similar.

    If guns are your thing, it’s new Vegas baby 😎

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