Sony: 60 Million Users On PlayStation Network

Sony CEO Howard Stringer has said at CES that the PlayStation Network has 60 million registered users. However, he did not mention how many of those accounts are active.

For comparison’s sake, Xbox Live has around 25 million users, half of which are Xbox Live Gold subscribers.

via Gamasutra

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Written By on January 7th, 2011 Categories: Industry News, News, PS3 Tags:

2 Responses to “Sony: 60 Million Users On PlayStation Network”

  1. in your face xbox fanboys 😛 thats why PS3 is the most advanced gaming console whereas Xbox is the most advanced broken console mUAHAHUHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA 😆 😆 😆

  2. the PS Fan-boy Wonder strikes again! 😛

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