Bangladesh Government Decide To Impose Taxes On Computers

It seems that tax-free computer products and peripherals are history in Bangladesh. Our caretaker government has recently decided to impose taxes on computers, peripherals and accessories in the fiscal year 2007-2008.

Although the exact rate of tax is yet to be declared, this recent decision might have some serious effects on the ICT sector in Bangladesh. With the aim of promoting growth through ICT and exporting home-made softwares, taxes could make life more complicated for these relatively new software industries in Bangladesh.

But wait. What about us consumers? It will make computers more expensive to afford in the lower and middle class groups. But will it have any serious effects on our purchasing trends? That remains to be seen.

Well, taxes or no taxes, there is no way anyone can stop me from getting a Geforce 8800 later this year.

Readers, what do you think? Do you support this or against the idea of taxes on computers. Let us know by leaving a comment.

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Written By on June 17th, 2007 Categories: Bangladesh, Opinion Tags:

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