The New And Improved GamesRadar : A Look At What They Did Right And What Needs Improving

GamesRadar recently went through a major overhaul – and for the better. Although they had some great content in there, but it was marred by a clunky navigation interface and the fact that they didn’t have much “textual” information on their home page. But those days are over, and the GamesRadar team has done a darn good job with their new site design.

Everything is within easy rich, the site loads much faster and it is now easier to find what you are looking for. Even if nothing catches your interest, the “content ads” at the left sidebar will surely grab your eyes and have you click on them. The writing has also improved and it is a fresh breath away from all those clones pumping out useless reviews and scores. For reviews, I’ll go straight to GameSpot any day.

Games Radar CheatPlanet

One thing I do visit GamesRadar for is their CheatPlanet, which has game cheats listed by platform so you can find what you are looking for straight away. The colors are pleasing to the eyes and not an eyesore as before. There is a top navigation pane as well as one on the top left sidebar.

The other thing that I realized is that PC Gamer US magazine has merged their site with GamesRadar. If you visit it will forward you to the GamesRadar site instead. Although it is for the best, but now I miss reading the columns of my favorite PC Gamer editors. Plus, it’s harder to manage my magazine subscription. Still, you get a link to PC Gamer customer service if you type in

But one complaint that I have with the site is with it’s pop-under ads and sorry GamesRadar, I can’t forgive you on that. Pop-ups are history but pop-unders are really annoying. So if you are reading this, GamesRadar, you might want to consider once again from where you are getting your ad dollars.

Sponsored post, but didn’t influence the review

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Written By on June 10th, 2008 Categories: News, Opinion Tags:

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