World’s 1st Bioshock 2 Review, Scored 90+

PC Gamer and PSM3 magazine have reviewed BioShock 2.

PSM3 gave BioShock 2 93%, saying, “[BioShock 2] tops the original in terms of storytelling and combat.”

PC Gamer awarded BioShock 2 a 90%, saying “the mechanics that made the original BioShock such fun return, better than before,” and “it’s still better written than pretty much anything else out there.”

Good to see BioShock getting rave reviews, can’t wait to get my hands on it.

BioShock 2 is set to release on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 on February 9 2010.

BioShock 2 Review PC Gamer

Special thanks to CVG.

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Written By on January 14th, 2010 Categories: News, PC, PS3, Reviews, Xbox 360 Tags:

2 Responses to “World’s 1st Bioshock 2 Review, Scored 90+”

  1. its just making me crazy … cant wait .. first mass effect and then bioshock
    its like im in dream .. 😀

  2. @pollob
    u should wake up now,dude.cus,both of these games r releasing soon !

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