Mass Effect 3 Confirmed For Xbox 360

We reported that BioWare has already started on development of Mass Effect 3’s story.

“We are already at work on Mass Effect 3,” BioWare project director Casey Hudon said in an interview with IGN, “building the first bits of the story, putting that together”.

Speaking with MCV UK, he said, “The Xbox 360 obviously is the one that’s going to run out of time at some point but you create your character and play through an entire trilogy on that platform.”

Mass Effect 3 Confirmed on Xbox 360

Thanks, DigitalBattle.

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Written By on January 21st, 2010 Categories: News, Xbox 360 Tags:

5 Responses to “Mass Effect 3 Confirmed For Xbox 360”

  1. confirmed for xbox360 ? … is this 360 xclusive? 😥 😥 😥
    if then im goin 2 die surely .. 😥 😥

  2. @pollob

    It’s a loooong way till any solid info surfaces on ME3. But surely a PC version will be released. Otherwise we’ll go up in arms! 😈

  3. i hope they release it on both xbox 360 & PC !

  4. Of course it’s for the 360….and pc. Bioware announced that the game was a trilogy. I also had spoke with reps from Bioware, and they said that it was already planned when ME1 was released. Sorry Nintendo and Sony..Out of luck for the third time….again. You can create your Shepard in ME3 because it’s an option in ME1&2 and will be again in 3. Or you can continue on through with your ME1&2 Shepard. Any other questions, just ask.

  5. By the way, My gamertag is Dragnridr.

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