Crytek: Making A PS3 Exclusive “Is Something We Considered Before”

Speaking with CVG, Crytek CEO Cevat Yerli has said that he “considered” creating a PS3 exclusive.

They may even make a PS3 exclusive down the lin. But Crysis 2 is their first priority right now, followed by the Xbox 360 exclusive Codename: Kingdoms.

“Sony is a partner that we would definitely love to work with,” Yerli told CVG.

“A [PS3 exclusive] is something we considered before – we talked about it a lot, but for reasons of portfolio or timing in the past it didn’t work out. But that doesn’t mean in the future it wouldn’t work.”

But Yerli added that for Kingdoms, 360 seemed like a “natural fit.”

“We wanted to see how it would feel like to just work for Microsoft or work on a project; with Sony, with Microsoft or with Nintendo, just a first-party relation,” he said.

“We have been talking with Microsoft for five or six years now about working together – and for some time I have said that I don’t want to work [exclusively with a] first-party.

“The time came around where we said maybe this IP, Kingdoms, could be very strong for a first-party platform. We asked Microsoft and they said ‘yes, that would be fantastic’.”

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Written By on July 23rd, 2010 Categories: News, PS3 Tags:

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