Mafia II Review Gets 9/10 By GameInformer

GameInformer has just reviewed Mafia II and gave the game a solid 9/10.

The review admits Mafia II suffers from “minor annoyances” like relying “heavily on cutscenes, and sometimes doesn’t know when to draw the line between interacting with the world and triggering a cutscene”.

The reviewer, Matt Bertz, also found issues sometimes with NPC intelligence during missions, stating at times it could be a bit “troublesome”.

“In one mission I had to tail a car to find out where it was headed, but the driver got into an accident and the mission failed,” he said.

However, the rest of the review was rather glowing, stating the “impressive” attention to detail was “most noticeable in the expertly crafted building interiors, which look like destructible sets pulled straight out of Mad Men”, and said the game’s world of Empire Bay was “a much more focused experience” than GTA’s Liberty City, and those who cannot finish lengthy games like Red Dead Redemption would “appreciate Mafia II’s direct storytelling”.

Mafia II releases on August 24 2010 (USA) and August 27 2010 (EU) on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

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Written By on August 21st, 2010 Categories: News, PC, PS3, Reviews, Xbox 360 Tags:

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