Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Reviews Round-Up

When Rockstar first announced Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, they called it as a “shocking original experience”.

So, how good is the Zombie DLC? The first reviews are up, get ’em below:

== GameSpot – 8/10
== CVG – 9/10
== GameInformer -8/10

The Undead Nightmare Pack is available for download via PSN for $9.99 and Xbox LIVE 800 Microsoft Points.

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Written By on October 26th, 2010 Categories: PS3, Reviews, Xbox 360 Tags:

3 Responses to “Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Reviews Round-Up”

  1. this game suck compare to Alan wake& Fear 2.

  2. @ PlushGaming360…
    did u finish the game……i got stuck at the graveyard cleaning task by Seth Briars 😥 😥 …………..Its pretty scary only when you travel with your horse………..and it damn tough…..3x harder that rdr…….

  3. @PlushGaming360,

    btw dude you send me(tobrolivnt) a msg on xbox live asking me if i was from BD. I couldnt reply cause my gold subscription is over. So here is the reply, yes bro i’m from BD.
    and Alan Wake isn’t really cool. It looked kinda funny though the beauty of the environment in morning is stunning.

Jump right in and leave a reply, you can surely expect a response from me
