Watch Enslaved Launch Trailer

Namco’s released the launch trailer for Ninja Theory’s Enslaved, which is out now. Watch it below after the break.

The trailer shows some of the action title’s big moments in cut-scene and gameplay form, as Monkey helps Trip get back home.

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Written By on October 8th, 2010 Categories: PS3, Videos, Xbox 360 Tags:

3 Responses to “Watch Enslaved Launch Trailer”

  1. I played a lil bit at the start and the game looks sweet in FULL HD.Very nice game btw.I would recommend this to everyone who likes adventure games :mrgreen:

  2. @Rabbi

    I’m a big fan of Heavenly Sword and when I heard the same developer Ninja Theory was working on Enslaved I was instantly hooked. Too bad I can’t play it till the original releases in Bangladesh. 😛

  3. @TheGamingWiz

    too bad 😥 i think it could take several weeks for the game to hit bd market but u should be able to get it early november for sure. Wished original games was released earlier 😥 Whatever the situation is the fact remains that this game worth the original buy and i will recommend this game to anyone at any time of the day.Just finished the first chapter will play the second chapter later.The game isnt epic but awesome to say the least.Dont want to tell any spoilers though 😳 Anyway hope that you will be getting the game pretty soon but which platform Xbox 360 or PS3? I didnt play the xbox 360 version though but the ps3 version was awesome to me cant wait to control the slave 😆

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