Windows 8 Coming In 2012?

Windows 8 may release as early as 2012 if a (now) deleted Microsoft blog is to be believed.

Microsoft has remained tight-lipped about when Windows 8 will be unveiled. But the software giant’s Netherlands team appears to have let the cat out of the bag by posting a blog that suggests a late 2012 release date.

According to a translated version of the Dutch language blog, which has appeared unofficial fansite, Microsoft Netherlands said: “it will take about two years before Windows 8 on the market.”

So, is Windows 8 set to revolutionize PC gaming in 2012 just like Windows 7 did?

source PCR (via CVG)

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Written By on October 26th, 2010 Categories: News, PC Tags:

10 Responses to “Windows 8 Coming In 2012?”

  1. Pixel shader model 6 and new generation graphics it seems :mrgreen:

  2. @rabbi
    i am back to pc gaming.. got the hd 5670..its the sapphire 1gb one…however i had to get a 500w psu..(i bought a cheap one) .. and it work like a chime… playing medal of honor at high… your estimations were correct..the game is great..a perfect fusion of COD and battlefield ..

  3. @x360assasin

    Hey bro, congrats on the HD 5670. One of my friend is eyeing it, it gives really good performance. So, what new games are you planning to play besides MoH?

  4. @x360assasin

    glad that i could help :mrgreen: I wish u a great time with ur 5670 HD and have fun 😀

  5. ya and the credit goes to the gaming wiz and sng425 as well. Thanks.
    thanks again

  6. @x360assasin

    congrats on your HD 5670. Have you played the console version of MoH , how does the graphics defer?

    “a perfect fusion of COD and battlefield”

    I haven’t played it yet, cause the one’s available in bd shops are the ntsc-j version….

  7. @xlivnt

    Every multiplatform games looks a notch better in pc than in consoles.At 1080p the differences are easily witnessed.PC version has better load times and graphics than consoles thats the fact but a gaming pc is required though to differentiate it.

  8. @rabbi

    ” but a gaming pc is required though to differentiate it.”

    Not only that but some cool games come to PC after the release for the consoles…then one of my all time favorite “Smackdown VS Raw” never comes to pc…i’m gonna get SvR 11 today, really excited. :mrgreen: !!

  9. @xlivnt

    me too i am downloading the PS3 version right now :mrgreen: Xbox 360 version appeared 2 or 3 days before on the internet so i think its available in the shops at this moment.A pc version dubbed WWE Smackdown vs Raw Online is in the works as far as I know 😀

  10. @xlivnt
    no didn’t get it on x360..dont buy it,,its toooooooo short.. better to spend 120tk on a pc game rather than 200 (assuming you have a modded console).. coz either way you won’t be playing online.. but i want to play online .. any cracked servers??

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