Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Review Round-Up

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood has been released and to much critical acclaim. We have all the latest reviews rounded up for you to find in one easy place.

== GameSpot – 8/10 “Huge, beautiful city stuffed with amazing details” “Main story is disappointing”
== IGN – 8/10
== GamePro – 5/5
== PlayStation Universe – 9.5/10
== Destructoid – 9.5/10
== GameInformer – 9.25/10
== 1 UP – A-
== GamesRadar – 9/10 “Story’s kind of flat compared to ACII”
== GameTrailers – 9/10

Discuss it in the comments section below. Has Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood lived up to your expectations?

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Written By on November 17th, 2010 Categories: PC, PS3, Reviews, Xbox 360 Tags:

22 Responses to “Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Review Round-Up”

  1. The scores are good but my concern is with the story. πŸ˜₯

  2. @TheGamingWIz

    only playing the game will tell.My download should complete tomorrow i should be able to give my feedback here back on GWBD!

  3. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  4. Itching to get my goddamn finger on it :mrgreen:

  5. @Rabbi

    You lucky guy with your Jailbroken PS3 πŸ˜› While we Xbox 360 users have to be stuck with AP 2.5 πŸ™„

  6. @Rabbi

    Don’t forget to tell us about the multiplayer experience of it as it’s the first game in the franchise to support and feature multiplayer. πŸ˜›

  7. I liked Evasdropping on AC I and also the techniques by which I would be able to get to the boss fight which was miserably absent in AC II (Except for last mission).
    Gametrailer’s review was weird in this sense all the time they were bashing the game but in the end [gamespot/gametrailers players/forumers suspect] just because of Multiplayer content it got 9. πŸ˜•

  8. @TheGamingWiz

    Actually everything didnt go according to plan.Assassins Creed Brotherhood on the ps3 has antipiracy measures in fact.I can play the game but the game has no sounds but when u quit the game the funny thing starts.It actually bricks the ps3.So i will advise everyone not to play this game on the ps3.

  9. assassin’s creed multiplayer will be so much fun!! i can guarantee that!!!!!! ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗

  10. @TheGamingWiz & sng425

    i have just recovered my ps3 from death πŸ™„ the thing that actually happened was that it [assassins creed brotherhood brotherhood] corrupts the ps3 hard drive when u quit the game and the xmb also doesnt work as well just shows the loading sign only the settings tab is accessible other the settings tab all tabs like game,video,etc shows loading sign but it doesnt come or load.And the ps3 hard drive cant be formatted from the ps3 either it stucks at formatting screen @ 0%.For the fix i had to connect the ps3 hard drive to pc then just removed everything of it and created a new partion but didnt format it just partition then popped up the windows 7 disk and then created a new partition on that hard drive.Then after that i have connected the hard drive to ps3 then the diagnostic mode comes in the ps3 and it will ask to connect the dualshock controller to the ps3 using usb cable and to connect a usb storage with ps3 firmware file and i have inserted the external hard disk with the 3.41 update and then followed on screen instructions and then it formatted the ps3 hard disk and installed the firmware and ps3 is revived.

    Note: Only a updated payload or custom files for assassins creed brotherhood can fix it all we bangladeshi gamer can do is wait or buy the genuine game.Maybe have to wait for the pc version to be cracked and released.

  11. sorry guys for my whining i just missed some instructions now assassins creed brotherhood is running fine after following all the instructions and updating the emulator and ps3 payload :mrgreen:

  12. its me Rabbi*

  13. @Johan

    Ummm… either you’re Rabbi or a friend of Rabbi. You’re making me confused as CliffyB is also Rabbi (<--rumored to be). πŸ˜› Anyway, welcome to Gamersworldbd! :mrgreen:

  14. @Rabbi

    “i have just recovered my ps3 from death”

    Whoa dude, you are lucky! And where did you read about the fix? Sounds really complicated and must’ve took some guts to pull it off. But I’m glad it was only the PS3 HDD and not the PS3 itself.

  15. havnt played it yet……..rabbi im gna join ur team as soon as i buy my ps3…..cant bear any of MS’s AP shit………. πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ MS’s crap ideas are making me a SONY fanboy……

  16. @TheGamingWiz

    i just made it up myself after some poking around and finding out that the hard disk is to blame then i just used my computing knowledge to somehow pull it off.I wont be disoriented about my ps3 again.Anyway enjoying assassins creed brotherhood now on sequence 4 recruiting people making them an assassin but a very good game indeed the game is just killing all my time since yesterday 😳

  17. @ rabbi or johan or cliffyB or friend of rabbi….
    ur r confusing us….with ur multiple personalities soo stick to 1 ID plz…..

  18. @fahim_sinister

    ok i am gonna stick only to this id from now on πŸ˜‰

  19. hey what hapnd to ur ”Rabbi” ID….Rabbi was ur signature ID…..

  20. @Johan/Rabbi

    Bro, stick to one ID. I’d recommend ur “real” Rabbi ID as that is currently the top user on Gamersworldbd and many readers know you by that ID.

  21. @TheGamingWiz

    Ok! πŸ™„ i will stick to by default id from now on πŸ™‚

  22. Dunno when i cud play it…. πŸ™ the crappy AP 2.5 :@

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