Crytek: PC “A Generation Ahead” Of Consoles, But Being Held Back

Crytek, makers of the upcoming Crysis 2 has claimed that PCs are already “a generation ahead” of PS3 and Xbox 360 but developers’ lack of support on the PC is holding it back.

“As long as the current console generation exists and as long as we keep pushing the PC as well, the more difficult it will be to really get the benefit of both,” Yerli told the latest issue of Edge.

“PC is easily a generation ahead right now. With 360 and PS3, we believe the quality of the games beyond Crysis 2 and other CryEngine developments will be pretty much limited to what their creative expressions is, what the content is. You won’t be able to squeeze more juice from these rocks.”

“I generally think it’s still developers’ mentality [that is to blame],” he added. “A lot nowadays don’t consider PC a big issue any more; their [sales] expectations are nowhere near what they are for the console versions. Until the PC market creates comparable revenues, companies are not going to spend enough on the PC SKU of a game.”

Crysis 2 will release on March 22 2011 (USA) and March 25 2011 (EU) for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

via CVG

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Written By on November 25th, 2010 Categories: Industry News, News, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 Tags: ,

4 Responses to “Crytek: PC “A Generation Ahead” Of Consoles, But Being Held Back”

  1. YES now that was so right! The PC is being neglected and developers should support the platform more like Crytek here

  2. PC is simply the best way to experience any fps.I agree with gamerkid69…Hope that Microsoft will agree with us and release halo for pc 🙄

  3. @gamerkid69

    “The PC is being neglected and developers should support the platform more like Crytek here”

    I feel you bro..The main reason for why is PC being neglected is due to the high amount of piracy on 360 is not being neglected cause in order to enable your xbox 360 to play back up games you have to flash your xbox 360, which is not an easy job..

  4. @xlivnt and szd

    I think we all know that many developers will continue to be allergic to the PC and it’ll be neglected and xlivnt pointed out a very precise cause for that…(sigh) well no matter how PC is ignored I will still love and support it and all that Microsoft
    cares about is the money which they’ll not get enough of from the PC platform and besides they already got it covered with their OSs

Jump right in and leave a reply, you can surely expect a response from me
