Video Games Are Just Too Expensive, Keeping People From Playing More Games Says THQ Boss

THQ’s CEO Brian Farrell thinks that the price of $60 per game is just too much and “keeping people out” from playing more games.

“What we’re thinking about the business is we’re turning it on its head a little bit,” said Farrell. “It’s not, ‘how high a price can we get’, but ‘how many users’. If you can capture everyone under that economic curve, that’s where you can make the most money.”

“When we launched [MX vs. ATV] at $59.99, we’d do some units, and then when we brought the price down to the mass market-friendly price of $39.99, it would just pop. So the thinking this time is, let’s initially launch at $39.99 — it’s a very robust game, very high quality, so this is not about trying to get a secondary title out. It’s an AAA title, at that price point, but then with a series of DLC so people can extend their experience.

We think this is the future of gaming. We think that’s the way games are gonna go in the long term.”

You’re not alone on that. Gamersworldbd readers also suggest that if the price of original games came down, they’d definitely purchase originals.

source Gamasutra (via GamesThirst)

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Written By on November 12th, 2010 Categories: Industry News, News Tags:

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