Microsoft Responds To Halo HD Remake Rumor, “Nothing To Announce”

Previously, the latest issue of Games Master magazine “industry chatter” section said that an HD Halo remake could use the Halo: Reach engine and arrive in 2011. It was also reported that 343 Industries would be working on it.

As much as we want it to happen, there’s nothing concrete yet with Microsoft denying the rumor:

“Right now our focus is on supporting Halo: Reach. We have nothing to announce at this time”, said a Microsoft spokesperson.

Previously, Microsoft had expressed their interest in a Halo remake, saying that they would do it if it “provides real value to the customer.”

Microsoft’s Xbox & Entertainment Director Stephen McGill believes that a Halo: CE HD remake would be “a good idea”.

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Written By on December 3rd, 2010 Categories: News, Xbox 360 Tags:

One Response to “Microsoft Responds To Halo HD Remake Rumor, “Nothing To Announce””

  1. Ah the good days! Can’t wait for an HD Halo remake, the game that defined the Xbox and continues to do so today. 😎

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