OnLive Introduces Unlimited Gaming For $10/Month

Now that’s more like it. OnLive has introduces a new service dubbed OnLive PlayPack and for $9.99/month you get access to unlimited games from its PlayPack 40-ish game catalog.

These include Prince of Persia, NBA 2K10, Tomb Raider: Underworld, F.E.A.R. 2, Tom Clancy’s HAWX, Unreal Tournament III, Wheelman, Lego Batman, and World of Goo.

PlayPack is currently in free beta and will be officially launched from Jan 15 2011.

via GameSpot

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Written By on December 4th, 2010 Categories: News, PC Tags:

6 Responses to “OnLive Introduces Unlimited Gaming For $10/Month”

  1. what is this?
    is it for PC online gaming?

  2. @PlushGaming360

    It lets you play PC games online without you having to install them or having a high-end PC. The game is streamed over the internet, just like YouTube videos for example, so you could be playing Crysis on a laptop. I said “could” because you need extremely low pings and a minimum 3 Mbps connection. Also, they will release a microconsole which will allow you to play those games on any TV, no disks necessary.

  3. thats great, another reader of the site “gamo” got 8MBPS connection. Surely her can check it, do you have the gadget then can check on his pc. i saw your 1 MBPS isn’t working for this.

  4. if u say u can ask gamo to set a time for checkout, i know you wont believe, but seriously he got 8 MBPS.

  5. @Musfiqur,
    is there any option that i can share this article with my facebook frnds?

  6. @PlushGaming360

    You can copy/paste the link of this article on your Facebook wall. It will automatically add the article. You can then delete the link and write what you want on your wall post.

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