Red Dead Redemption Wins GameSpot’s GoTY 2010

Red Dead Redemption has another Game of the Year award in the bag, this time winning GameSpot’s 2010 GoTY.

RDR also won Spike TV’s GoTY 2010 award.

Watch the award video below:

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Written By on December 25th, 2010 Categories: Industry News, News, PS3, Videos, Xbox 360 Tags:

7 Responses to “Red Dead Redemption Wins GameSpot’s GoTY 2010”

  1. Is there any award this game didn’t win? :mrgreen:

  2. @The Gaming Wiz

    It got what it deserved :mrgreen: I still can’t get enough of the game

  3. best game ever played on my xbox 360!!

  4. @GamerKid

    Have you played the Undead Nightmare DLC? I just might get it when I have spare time to play more games. Currently, life, studies and Fallout New Vegas are sucking up most of my time.

  5. @The Gaming Wiz

    My holiday just started today! :mrgreen: Time to get my game on 😎 and as for Undead Nightmare, I still haven’t tried it yet 🙁 However, I didn’t find Fallout to be fun, I just played 5 minutes of it and called it quits 😐

  6. @GamerKid

    Fallout is a wholly different type of RPG experience. You gotta give it time to grow on you. As you may know, I’m a huge RPG buff. But when I played Fallout 3 for the first time I didn’t find it too appealing either. I didn’t play for months and started fresh and started liking it. So, that’s how I got to liking the Fallout series. The post apocalyptic world has tons of exploring to do and some of the dialog is really funny.

    Currently, I’m only playing Fallout New Vegas with no other game in sight.

  7. @The Gaming Wiz

    I guess I’ll give it another shot, fortunately, I haven’t uninstalled it, Thank you for your recommendation 🙂

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