Halo Has “Something For Everyone”

Microsoft’s Frank O’Connor reveals Halo’s super secret forumla of success and it’s that the games in the series have “something for everyone” to enjoy.

Halo sports a “deep, rewarding sandbox” of vehicles, cool and exotic weapons – plus some “challenging AI.” Still “a lot of folks” haven’t succumbed yet.

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Written By on January 18th, 2011 Categories: News, Xbox 360 Tags:

13 Responses to “Halo Has “Something For Everyone””

  1. my first halo game is the halo reach but after playing the first stage all my hopes are shatterted 😯 Halo has never been more thab hype 😥

  2. @Rabbi

    If you’re new to the Halo scene then yes, the single player portion of Reach can be a bit underwhelming. That’s because we’re used to games like Halo right now. I say that because when Halo 1 came out it pioneered the FPS genre, that is fast gameplay and that story-telling was possible on a FPS. The main allure of Halo (and COD too) is the multiplayer. But that said, COD singleplayer is also good because every 5 minutes something blows up.

  3. @The Gaming Wiz

    Nicely said, didn’t play Halo 1 though, started from Halo 2, I’m thinking of getting the PC port of Halo 1 because it’s such a legendary game, it redefined FPS and set the backbone of modern FPS shooters we see today, Rechargeable shields also played a major role.

  4. @GamerKid

    If you play Halo 1 now, you’ll be utterly disappointed. Same goes for most FPS not made in the past 2-3 years. In fact technological progress is a funny thing. I was playing a few early Xbox 360 games the other day, just when the “HD” era was starting. And I thought, man this graphics look really bad and I thought games couldn’t look any better.

  5. I was really laughing a lot while i was playing san andreas some day b4…after gta 4 it seems so childish..cant blv i spent so much time playing san andreas over & over..

  6. @mask

    Exactly. Try playing Vice City 😉

  7. @TheGamingWiz

    thanks for making me pick up halo. Try playing nfs 2/roadrush now 😛

  8. @Rabbi
    I got an even better idea, Super Mario Bros 😛

  9. @gamerkid

    how about you play ping pong 😛

  10. @Rabbi

    pass…. 😛

  11. try pac man…

  12. try solitare lolll


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