Ubisoft Assures Assassin’s Creed Series Won’t Get Stale

Ubisoft has pledged that the quality level of its Assassin’s Creed titles won’t dip as we become used to seeing numerous sequels and related releases in future.

“This is something any publisher needs to consider and any decisions about how Ubisoft will develop the franchise going forward will take this into account,” Ubisoft UK marketing boss Murray Pannell told CVG.

“The unequivocal goal is to ensure that the brand continues to grow in quality and innovation and we are putting the creativity and expertise of several of our worldwide studios behind it in order to guarantee that continued quality.”

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Written By on January 22nd, 2011 Categories: News Tags: , ,

2 Responses to “Ubisoft Assures Assassin’s Creed Series Won’t Get Stale”

  1. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  2. Assassin’s creed 2 was great and brotherhood was really awsome. but what happened to the altair’s story. they should have included him in at least one sequel. after all he started everything.

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