PS3 Getting Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo On March 15

A short update. Crytek has said that the Crysis 2 multiplayer demo (which has already been released on PC and XBL) will come to PS3 users on March 15.

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Written By on March 2nd, 2011 Categories: News, PS3 Tags:

6 Responses to “PS3 Getting Crysis 2 Multiplayer Demo On March 15”

  1. Downloaded it on PC.. can log in to EA with the game..but cant log into multiplayer battle! It says can’t be connected! myb bcz the server i too far nd ping is very high!

  2. This game so so so tough!!!!!!!!!!

  3. @mafiul

    Around 300MB still left to download. I’ll let you know, but with my pings it will be highly unplayable.

  4. ps3 gets every good things last…muahaha!

  5. @xlivnt

    LOL 😆

    Multiplayer dominates on Xbox 360, and afterall, it is the shooter box. :mrgreen:

  6. @The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman

    haha couldn’t agree more! xbl owns psn.. 🙂

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