GRID 2 Reviews Are Go, Xbox One Beating PS4, Microsoft Spends $1 Billion Because They Love Hardcore Gamers, Blizzard’s MMO Delayed And More

GRID 2 released yesterday and the reviews are up. Currently, it’s sitting on an average of 8.2 out of 10 with Gamespot awarding it 8.5 and IGN an 8.

If pre-orders are any indication of the popularity of consoles, then the Xbox One is beating the PS4. At least in the UK, that is. Xbox One pre-orders for the 24 hours following its reveal is higher than when Sony revealed the PS4. Maybe, showing the actual console itself (or lack thereof) could have something to do with it.

Now, have you been feeling a lack of love from Microsoft if you’re a hardcore gamer? Well, how does a billion dollars sound? Because that’s the amount Microsoft is investing in next generation games

And if you think that the Xbox One reveal was a bit of a mis-step, then Microsoft has it covered too. Get ready for round 2 in this year’s E3 and Microsoft will get everything right. At least that’s what the company thinks.

How much do you love a good story in a video game? The one that draws you into the world and sets up an epic conclusion? Or just rips your soul out, aka Mass Effect 3’s ending? Bioshock and Tomb Raider writer calls for more “thoughtful and complex” stories for video games and that makes me happy. Very happy indeed.

Finally, Blizzard’s Titan MMO has been pushed back to 2016. Maybe they’re considering a free-to-play option or just couldn’t care less since they’re swimming in cash thanks to the behemoth that starts with “World” and ends with “of Warcraft”.

Take care y’all.

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Written By on May 29th, 2013 Categories: News, Next-gen console wars, PC, PS3, PS4, Reviews, Xbox 360, Xbox One Tags: , ,

One Response to “GRID 2 Reviews Are Go, Xbox One Beating PS4, Microsoft Spends $1 Billion Because They Love Hardcore Gamers, Blizzard’s MMO Delayed And More”

  1. tbh, GRID 2 is one of the the worst racing games I have ever played… cars drift toooo much and its nearly impossible to control them properly… :/

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