Cole Changes Back To His Old Look In inFamous 2

The new look of Cole in inFamous 2 (as featured in Game Informer’s July 2010 cover) was a love hate relationship.

Now IGN reports that Sucker Punch has changed Cole’s look back to the one you know and love in inFamous 1.

“[The new Cole] had more hair, tattoos and a bunch of other stuff that made him look far different from the bike messenger we knew in the original game.

While the game is still in development and will continue to change, I was handed a manila envelope this afternoon that contained two images of Cole’s new-new look …… I can tell you he looks more like the person we played as in the original Infamous and less like the man who was in all of those E3 screens and videos.”

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Written By on July 23rd, 2010 Categories: News, PS3 Tags:

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