PS3 Limits 3D Games To 720p

Sony’s senior development manager, Simon Benson has said that 3D games on PS3 will be limited to 720p.

Games that natively run in 1080p will be downscaled to 720p when using 3D, even though the PS3 is capable of displaying 1080p 3D images.

The reason is that running 3D games at 1080p comes at the expense of framerates.

Benson claimed with 3D in 720p, trained computer graphics artists could barely tell the difference between it or 1080p, let alone those with an untrained eye.

A firmware update for the PS3 will be released later this year which will allow the PS3 to output 3D graphics.

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Written By on July 17th, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, News, PS3 Tags:

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