Free PS3 Jailbreak Hack Released, Dubbed PSGroove

Oh well. It was inevitable.

A free PS3 hack has been released. A group of hackers have successfully managed to clone and release open source version of the PSJailbreak called PSGroove.

The hackers get hacked right? PSGroove works similar to PSJailbreak and allows you to play “backup” copies of your game, without costing a dime.

Still, it will take a lot of computer know-how to use PSGroove on your PS3. And, no, we’re not helping you on that one.

According to Eurogamer, the new addition can be “injected into the PS3 to re-route Blu-ray traffic to either the internal hard drive or an external device have been removed – this means that the ability to play ‘back-up’ games simply isn’t possible in the open source version of the hack, although there is nothing to stop the less scrupulous swapping in the original PSJailbreak payload.

“Secondly, the developers have removed code found in the original Jailbreak that locks up the console if the dongle is removed, meaning it is safe to remove the homebrew version of the device whenever you want.”

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Written By on September 1st, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, News, PS3 Tags:

One Response to “Free PS3 Jailbreak Hack Released, Dubbed PSGroove”

  1. Hope a more user friendly open source version of the hack releases in the near future.There is the need to have some burned/clone of the real blu ray games available in the market for this hack to come alive to mainstream in bangladesh :mrgreen:

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