Uncharted 3: World Of Deceit – How A Simple Fan Concept Art Set The Internet Ablaze

Who wouldn’t want Uncharted 3?

But not in this way. First of all, a couple of fan artwork by Albert Ng caused Amazon France to list Uncharted 3 for release.

This set the internet ablaze and many rumors came pouring in about Uncharted 3.

Sad to say, Uncharted 3: World of Deceit is fake.

Albert Ng (the fan artist) has denied to CVG that his art has any relation to Naughty Dog’s new game.

Albert Ng subsequently reiterated that the work “was a project done for an architecture class” and “has no affiliation with Naughty Dog”.

Naughty Dog’s Arne Meyer posted on the NeoGAF forums:

“The guy used the Uncharted universe as the basis for mock work for one of his classes and even listed it as such where the pieces were posted: Uncharted 3 pieces I did for architecture class.

So, totally fake and I didn’t even have to say so. 🙂 Nice try websites who should actually read the sources of their scoops and do some smart investimagating [sic] before posting. It’s not rocket science.”

And that’s how the internet broke gamers heart everywhere.

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Written By on October 25th, 2010 Categories: News, PS3, Unusual Games News Tags:

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