Cuban Governement Not So Happy With Call Of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops may have gone to sell 7 million copies on its launch day but the Cuban government does not share the same excitement.

The Cuban state-run website Cubadebate denounced Black Ops as a propaganda tool, particularly the first level.

[SPOILER WARNING] “U.S. launches video game whose objective is to assassinate Fidel” ran a headline on the Web site, referring to a mission that sees players attempt to assassinate a young Fidel Castro shortly after his forces overran Havana and deposed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Instead, players kill a body double and are captured. [SPOILERS END]

“The logic of this new game is doubly perverse,” declares the article. “First, it glorifies the attacks illegally planned by the United States government against the Cuban leader. …On the other hand, it encourages sociopathic attitudes of American children and adolescents, the main consumers of these virtual games.”

The article goes on to decry other violent video games, including Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and The Warriors, saying that they encourage violence in the United States. Quoting the Uruguayan journalist Eduardo Galeano, the article ends, “Violence begets violence, but also generates revenue for the violence industry, which sells it as a show and makes it an object of consumption.”

via GameSpot

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Written By on November 11th, 2010 Categories: News, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 Tags:

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