inFamous 2 To Be As Good As Uncharted 2, Says Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch, developers of inFamous 2 are looking towards Uncharted 2: Among Thieves as their quality benchmark.

Uncharted 2 was voted as the greatest PlayStation game ever in an Official PlayStation Magazine Poll.

The lead designer of inFamous 2 Darren Bridges said that their game will match, if not surpass the bar set by Uncharted 2.

“That would be fantastic. It’s a heck of a high bar. That’s a high calling, but we’d be fools to say, ‘Nah, we’re going for ten per cent less.'”

And Bridges informed CVG that inFamous 2 can’t be done on Xbox 360 despite it using only around half of the PS3’s power.


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