No Xbox 720: “We Have No New Plans For Another Xbox”, Says Microsoft

So, you’re already getting prepped for the next Xbox, nicknamed Xbox 720?

Just hold on right there. Microsoft’s Steve McGill has said that they have no new plans for another Xbox:

We’ve no plans for another Xbox. You’ll continue to see us bring amazing new experiences to the console, without you having to buy a brand new console. A couple of years ago we didn’t have movies, Sky, Facebook and Twitter – now we’ve got things like Kinect.

We’ll continue to evolve those gaming and entertainment experiences through the power of software updates, rather than new chipsets and plastic.

He also echoes statement by THQ boss: No Need For Xbox 720, PS4 Or Wii 2 Yet

source Eurogamer (via Gamerzines)

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Written By on November 11th, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, Industry News, News, Xbox 360 Tags: ,

6 Responses to “No Xbox 720: “We Have No New Plans For Another Xbox”, Says Microsoft”

  1. string of lies to sell current generation contents and get those xbox 720 sitters to buy something 😈

  2. @Rabbi

    You have a point there. But you must also consider the millions both MS and Sony and Nintendo spent developing their next gen consoles. And as we know, the 360 and PS3 became profitable only late in their life cycle. So, both companies want to recoup the costs they incurred, not including the losses they made on selling each console in the early days.

  3. @TheGamingWiz

    yeah i concur with those reasons and they have increased the lifecycle by bringing in motion controllers for the current generation instead of waiting for next generation for the recoup as you mentioned.I do know the reason behind the ps3 loss though i dont know 360 was a loss as well must be related to rrod perhaps 👿

  4. well…..MS has suffered its xbox RROD problem enough….so i think dey r gna take sum tym bfor jumping in with a 8th gen console……….

  5. @Rabbi and fahim_sinister

    Exactly, MS pushed the 360 even before it was completely finalized to get a head start and then the whole RROD problem arose. They spent over $1 billion to fix it @

    So yeah, they want to prolong this generation of consoles as long as they can. Besides, I don’t think devs have yet maxed out the capabilities of current gen consoles.

  6. @Rabbi Looks like you caught on to the game. First pay close attention to the words, NEW plans. Now if he had said we have no plans of a xbox720 it would have been a legit denial. But he is playing the SAME word game from 1982. Come on NEW plans? That’s like denying your breaking into the bank by telling the police you have no new plans on how to rob it! I know you figured that out from your post. Also 2.5 years into the xbox they announced that they where profitable. This is more than a couple of years later. Plus that is if you take the other marketing game that they are really losing as much as they claim. How many companies claim every inch of a building and all its equipment and employees for the next 3 years as expenses against a product that they are starting? Only video game companies. Why not other computer equipment companies? What are the game companies going to take a 100% loss on the building and equipment when the next generation comes? Why 3 years of salaries including the open ended executive salaries? Now here is the kicker, on top of these crazy shell games. MOST game companies not contract the production and or assembly work OUT! And oh yeah Microsoft a couple of years ago set aside 1 billion for future system problems and expected to not spend all of it. Sure they would love to keep making profit on games in MACHINES. But so would the cell phone companies, and the pc companies, and the gym equipment companies and the appliance companies but they all no they need to lead in the future and cant just sit back and make profit off a dying tech.

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