Sony’s PlayStation Move Cost Around $38 To Make

TechInsights, a renowned asset analysis website estimates the PlayStation Move starter bundle cost $38 to make while it sells for $99.

Carey suggests the Move Wand and Eye combo account for $34 USD of the bundle cost, with accessories like the packaging, demo CD and other extras estimated at around $4 USD extra. As a caveat to these figures, he states “I would like to stress that these BOM costs are estimates, but accurate estimates based on our extensive database of analysis and part costs history, based on years and years of prior knowledge.”

TechInsights previously reported that Microsoft’s Kinect cost $56 to make which retails for $149.

Looks like both Sony and Microsoft are making a good profit margin on each unit sold.

via IncGamers

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Written By on November 19th, 2010 Categories: Hardware News, News, PS3 Tags:

13 Responses to “Sony’s PlayStation Move Cost Around $38 To Make”

  1. Micro$oft makes a profit of $93 per kinect whereas playstation move takes a neat profit of $61 thats $32 less than microso$t ๐Ÿ‘ฟ

  2. yappp man good things are always expensive……. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

  3. yeah thats why ps3 costs more than xbox 360 and playstation move starter bundle doesnt include everything and for a complete move experience $180 is needed ๐Ÿ˜›

  4. the new slim is $299 & just as Ps3 120 gb….and Sony’s makin fools of u guys by saying things like ”to get the full move experience you need $180” its just biz policies to make u buy things @ high price. And there nothin like this in Kinect if u have $ 150 then u have it all………

  5. @Rabbi

    fahim_sinister is right. Good things are meant to be expensive! Don’t you think? :mrgreen:

  6. @sng425

    yeah thats why PS3 is more expensive than the 360 ๐Ÿ˜›

  7. @Rabbi

    “yeah thats why PS3 is more expensive than the 360 :razz:”

    When did you go nuts, bro? They are both of the same price. :mrgreen:

  8. @ rabbi
    xbox’s are more nicely price tagged..they use the need based pay scheme…if u dnt need a HHD u dont have to pay for…if u dnt need wifi u dnt have to pay for it…unlike PS3 wich eats up all the cash by showing u the features even if u dnt need em………..And now the x360 slim and Ps3 are @ the same price…….

  9. @ sng…..
    rabbi thinks having a pesky wand makes people hardcore gamers….and kinect is true motion sensing where u are the controller…not like PS Move where u have to carry a princess like wand…….And kinect was released later than PS move so it needs some time to announce HARDCORE titles……….

  10. @sng425 & fahim_sinister

    guys throwing out wrong info wont get me perplexed ๐Ÿ˜› PS3 250gb system costs $324 and the PS3 150GB model costs $299.Whereas the Xbox 360 4GB model costs $199 and the Xbox 360 250gb model costs $299.So guys go have a reality check ๐Ÿ˜› :mrgreen:

  11. sooo it dsnt matter coz only the HDD sizes differ……..

  12. @fahim_sinister

    you are the controller all right mr.mime but who controls move then some ghost probably ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜†

  13. but in kinect u dnt have to carry a wand……
    And 1 thing y r we fighting in the names of MS and Sony…..Its their job to debate about their products…………So signing out from fanboy wars……….

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