Uncharted 3: Sony’s Exclusive VGA 2010 PS3 Reveal?

Sony has teased that a new PS3 exclusive will be revealed on December 12th, the day following Spike’s Video Game Awards 2010.

So, what could it be? Uncharted 3 perhaps?

Rumors are also speculating that Sony may actually tease a short video of the exclusive game at VGA 2010 and have a full-blown reveal the day after.

Geoff Keighley of GameTrailers TV tweeted, “Who said this game is missing the VGAs?.”

In another rumor, Kotaku is suggesting that this exclusive PS3 reveal may actually be Uncharted 3.

A source has told that “Uncharted 3 will have its video debut at the VGAs on December 11, so an extended reveal for one of Sony’s biggest franchise titles the next day seems plausible.”

Another proof to this rumor, according to VG247, is that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves was first shown at the 2008 VGAs. If there’s any pattern here, Sony will announce Uncharted 3 at the VGA 2010.

It could be a possibility given a lot about Uncharted 3 were leaked online and Sony would want to follow up to one of PlayStation’s hit franchises.

In that case, you may tear down the internet. Wait for Dec 12.

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Written By on November 22nd, 2010 Categories: News, PS3 Tags:

6 Responses to “Uncharted 3: Sony’s Exclusive VGA 2010 PS3 Reveal?”

  1. cant wait for uncharted 3: world of deceit 😛

  2. By New PS 3 Exclusive I was meant a totally new game will be introduced.
    UC, Resistance, GT, inFamous etc etc they are long been PS 3 Exclusives.

  3. @Reza

    Sony hasn’t announced to reveal a new PS3 Franchise 😛 But yeah, it would have been awesome if Sony made a totally new game. This is all unconfirmed speculation at the moment, so, you’ll have to wait till Dec 11-12 :mrgreen:

  4. Yeah, an existing fanchise’s new installment announcement is not as exciting as announcing a completely new one- that is what I am talking about.
    And since A LOT UC 3 details have been leaked so it’s natural Sony will announce it earlier then they would have thought.

  5. I for one am NOT hoping that its Uncharted 3 because we all know that it’ll be released around next christmas. No surprises there.
    I’m hoping for a Brand new Title!!

    P.S Can’t wait for Uncharted 3

  6. “Eight Days” remember this game ? it was canceled by sony but later they said that the game was merely on hold…. maybe just maybe… 😯 😯 😯 😆 😆

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