60% Of Assassin’s Creed II Players Never Completed The Full Game

Here’s an unusual stat.

The Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood mission director told Joystiq that only 40 percent of players finished the game.

The stat was arrived at from tracking by Ubisoft’s Uplay online service. Simard says the figure is pretty decent, (guess)timating 5-10 percent as a typical completion standard.

”We want the player to experience the whole package, so that’s something we’re trying to push,” he said.

Are you one of those players who never even completed the storyline?

Thanks, VG247

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Written By on October 20th, 2010 Categories: News, PC, PS3, Unusual Games News, Xbox 360 Tags:

30 Responses to 󈬬% Of Assassin’s Creed II Players Never Completed The Full Game”

  1. i did…he..he.. :mrgreen:

  2. i did too…i guess most of the players didn’t finish it due to the second last mission, where you have to build a world map with the codex page. But i absolutely loved the last mission…

  3. yup..that part was quiet tricky..took me 30 mins or so

  4. @xlivnt

    That part gave me no trouble at all, but yes, it did take me some time to figure it out. 😛

    I completed the full game. Remember those two “missing” memory segments that were *ahem* “corrupted” (aka pls spend money on this DLC now). Yup, I spent on both the DLCs but by that point AC 2 was over. Didn’t finish those DLCs. 😡

  5. Well, I’ve completed the full game. Don’t know who are those unlucky guys who didn’t finish such a great game like AC 2!(No offense, I’m a die-hard fan of Assassin’s Creed and whoever hasn’t finish the game yet will obviously seem to be an unlucky guy in my point of view!) :mrgreen:

  6. @sng425

    True. Whoever still didn’t finish AC2 should finish it. Btw have you unlocked all those secret videos/glyphs? :mrgreen: What about the DLCs. I haven’t finished it yet. Am I missing out some good part?

  7. @TheGamingWiz

    i did complete the game.I played the pc version and those hidden memory was unlocked for me :mrgreen: i didnt unlock all those glyphs cuz its need too much work but everything other than that i have completed the whole game.

  8. @Rabbi

    Bro, get a game guide and finish those glyphs. Unless you know what the hidden video is about, I suggest you see it for yourself :mrgreen:

    Wish I gotten the PC version and had a “complete” AC2 experience 😡

  9. @The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman

    No, I didn’t finish those glyphs as the main storyline took off most of my time. But I still intend to finish ’em all if I get time for it. :mrgreen:

  10. @TheGamingWiz

    i lost my save file dont wanna play from the start all over again though 😐 I dont know what the puzzle means maybe i will check it out on youtube or someother place whats the catch :mrgreen:

    “Wish I gotten the PC version and had a “complete” AC2 experience”

    Too bad this thing will happen all over again with assassins creed brotherhood though 👿 if u want to play those chapters u can download the pirated version of assasins creed II.But those 2 chapters are crucial and the buildup to the last chapter of the game its a big miss in my opinion.I recommend you to play those chapters if u can on the pc :mrgreen:

  11. @Rabbi

    I already got those 2 DLCs on the 360. So, gonna finish it before Brotherhood releases to refresh my memory (pun intended)

  12. got the pc version of the game… finished it in 13 hours strait almost 8 months ago, remember me i was the guy whinning about the crak in the review of the game ritten by rabbi so woudnt seem fair if i didnt finish it and moreover its an amazing game.. got all the towers and the complete ezio armor… solved 3 glyphs, and got 3 more but dindt bother to solve them as i alredy saw the video on youtube, dindt make much sense to me though… egerly waitin for brotherhood but gessing its gonna be a long wait fr us pc gamers

  13. @sng425

    Watch the video on YouTube :mrgreen:

  14. @bdgamer

    You’re typically looking at 3-4 months wait for the PC version of Brotherhood. AC 2 PC released March 2010 whereas console version released on Nov 2009. So, yeah, around 4 months. If Brotherhood contains those “missing” memory segments again, I’ll hold out for the PC version.

  15. @bdgamer

    that assassins creed II review was written by sng425 not me.I only did the fifa world cup 2010 review.And assassins creed II cracked version came out 6 months earlier not 8 months back.

  16. @TheGamingWiz

    😆 be quick before Brotherhood comes out next month and u will lose the interest to play those 2 hidden chapters as well.An army of assassin is better than just ezio right 😉

  17. how to get the DLC….i finished the game except for the so called corrupted sequence 12 and 13..
    i finished it on x360..anyone knows any controller for playing the game on pc..<500tk…not xbox 360 wireless controller as i can game with that on my TV..want something different for my pc… 😐

  18. sorry i misquoted rabbi as the writer of the review which rabbi has corectly pointed out is actually sng425 thx ..
    @rabbi its six months?? sory again seemed a long time ago… but thx again man bcoz u r probably the person from whom i first got the link to the crak…
    @gamingwiz if it takes as long as ac2 for the crak to come out then u can ad 1 or 2 months so it will be a long 5-6 month wait for us… i mean no ofence to the game developers they do a gret job but they cant expect us to buy an original game for almost 3500tk and not being able to play it due to our slow net connection… i’ll get original games when there is chip highspid internet but until then pirated games for me…

  19. @x360assasin you can play with any cheap controller, using a xbox360controller emulator software.. the software makes your pc recognize any controller as an xbox360 one nd u can play with it almost all games … google for it nd u wil find it..

  20. @bdgamer

  21. @bdgamer

    The Ubisoft/AC DRM system just logs in to the server. Thats it – it does not stream any game file from the server. So, no matter how slow your net speed is it should work fine. At least thats to my understanding.

  22. what really? then all the complains about legit users not being able to play are for sum other reasons maybe ❓

  23. @TheGamingWIz

    that protection system was a hybrid test nonetheless still it failed 😆 if they just tweak their current drm then it shouldnt take more than a week or two but if they have something big on the pipelines then it will take another two months like the last time.


    I forgot that i gave the crack to you.Anyway i am glad that i could help :mrgreen:

  24. @The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman

    I watched it over at You Tube as you recommended, it didn’t make much sense though, and it’s nothing that would urge me to finish those glyphs now, especially not after watching it.

  25. @bdgamer

    As far as I can recall, hackers overloaded Ubisoft’s servers with a denial of service attack. So, legit users couldn’t log in. There may also be the problems you mentioned but I’m not aware of that.

  26. @Sng425

    [AC 2 SPOILER WARNING] There were people before humans, and that these people then made humans using the Piece of Eden (the apple). However, they manufactured the humans so they would obey them as long as the Piece of Eden was in their possession. Adam and Eve find out and stolel the Piece of Eden, releasing the humans from their figurative chains, and leading a rebellion against them. So, in a sense, without realizing it, the “Gods” for lack of a better term, were the first Templars and Adam and Eve, along with all who followed, were the first Assassins. :mregreen:

    More @ http://www.giantbomb.com/assassins-creed-ii/61-22928/ending-to-assassin-creed-2wtf-spoiler/35-272387/

  27. @The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman

    Thanks for recalling that dreary story for me again, bro! 😛

  28. @The Gaming Wiz/Mushfiqur Rahman

    *(Sarcasm intended)

  29. @sng425

    Part of my job here at Gamersworldbd involves stating the blatant obvious to show how much amazing gaming knowledge I have. :mrgreen: (Yes, saracasm intended) 😛

  30. @TheGamingWiz

    pro gamer and a pro blogger as wellwhat a synergy 😛
    (sarcasm intended)

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